📄️ Overview
In the Users section, you as admins can invite employees of the internal reporting office and manage their accounts.
📄️ Roles for User Accounts
GlobaLeaks has four different roles. Each user can only be assigned one of these roles.
📄️ User Account Permissions
Depending on a user's role, additional permissions can be configured.
📄️ Privacy Policy for Users
You can provide a privacy policy for your users. This policy must be agreed to before an account can be activated.
📄️ Add User Account
There is a Runbook for Adding Recipients for the various steps needed to set up an account correctly.
📄️ Configure User Account
You can make various configurations to the user account.
📄️ Delete User Account
In most cases, it is more advantageous to deactivate an account instead. Refer to Configure User Account for more information.
📄️ Allow User to Change Site Settings
You can allow other users to change the settings of a site. This is particularly useful if you, as a reseller, manage many sites for your customers.